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Social Responsibility

“ARD Secure” partners with non-profit, charitable organizations though its core value of social commitment. The company believes social responsibility can create positive differences and strengthen connections within local communities. By effectively utilizing resources toward social development goals, “ARD Secure” works to build a better future. The spirit of giving and community cooperation are upheld within the company and shared with the public through these initiatives.

Let's Support Our Heros

At ARD Secure, we are committed to support our healthcare heros by raising money to purchase more of the supplies they need to keep them safe and protected. “ARD Secure” has committed to support these Heroes by contributing a part of their profits to purchase medical grade masks for NCR hospitals in need. All proceeds raised will be going directly to purchase masks & safety products for these health care heroes.

Blood Services

Team “ARD Secure” has pledged to donate blood for the needy & for that reason we have partnered with Red Cross & few other blood banks to support this cause. We stand committed to deliver “Quality Community Service”.

Toronto Foundation for student Success

“ARD Secure” organizes Food Drives, Monetary Donations, and Volunteer Opportunities with the Toronto District Schoolboard’s non-profit organization, the Toronto Foundation for Student Success for the benefit of young children living with poverty. Traditionally, “ARD Secure” matches employees’ contributions of food items and monetary donations.

Terry Fox Run For Cancer Research

The Terry Fox Foundation is a tax-exempt charitable public foundation responsible for supporting close to $20 million per year in discovery-based cancer research in Canada. To date, over $650 million has been raised worldwide for cancer research in Terry’s name. Of every dollar raised, 84 cents goes directly to cancer research.